PC Gaming

Outer Worlds

Still impressed by the fact that upgrades change how every weapon looks. A lot of games don’t bother with that at all.
Obsidian sure knows their scifi. Quests here are named “Canid’s Cradle”, “Slaughterhouse Clive”, “Flowers for Sebastian” and “Stainless Steel Rat”
The good thing about loot autoleveling with you: you always find something useful down the path. The bad thing: you don’t have much reason to explore, because… you always find something better later on.

Funny how the locals on Monarch are like “who do we think we are, cannibals? That’s just corporate lies!”, and then there are literally at least two quests dedicated to… cannibals.


PC Gaming

Outer Worlds

To distinguish itself from brown and green Fallout, I guess, Outer Worlds is all pink and orange.

The local version of VATS is slow-mo, not time-freeze, but it works fine as well.
Flaws system is interesting, since instead of being chosen at the start of the game, like Traits in Fallout, you get those as you go. Something like “Robophobia, -1 Dexterity when near robots, but +1 perk”.
Surprised that I did quests in the wrong order in the “toothpaste research” area, and the scientist I was about to rescue got eaten by raptors before I could do so. Forgot that timed quests existed.
There’s a quest chain to aquire unique prototype “science” weapons. The first one I’ve got is a hammer that switches between its elements with every strike. Then there’s also a shrinking pistol, which is a love-letter (or is it a love-pistol?) to the 50s sci-fi:


PC Gaming

Outer Worlds

I can’t decide if it’s more of a New Vegas, Skyrim or Mass Effect. But it’s rather enjoyable nevertheless. Despite “moral choices” can be confusing at times, just like in New Vegas.
Compared to Borderlands, that has a very similar Wild West aesthetics and shooter mechanics, it has two advantages in my eyes. First, I don’t run out of ammunition nearly as often as in Borderlands. And second, the weapons aren’t a generated mess. Yes, you do have some better drops here and there, but overall, the arsenal is much more predictable, if a bit boring. You get your usual pistols, assault rifles, shotguns, and a LMG, much earlier than expected, I must admit.
I’m also glad that this is less of a “seamless world” and more of a set of well defined and contained areas. Again, more of an Mass Effect than New Vegas.

PC Gaming

Fallout (1997)

Completed Fallout.

To this day, I didn’t know what’s the proper way to find the Military Base where the mutants dwell. I just go to Necropolis to deliberately get captured and delivered to the Leutenant.


Turns out, if you go to Cathedral first, there’s a computer with the base location.
By that point I also decided to get rid of my companions, as a supermutant with a rocket launcher or a minigun would wipe them out anyway. I began to feel like a play “Save Dogmeat” game. It’s ironic that even developers were aware of this. Official way Dogmeat dies is one of those forcefields. Forcefields are a pain in general. You just need to stock on Stimpacks and hope for the best.
Also by this point you get so much experience from simply whacking supermutants, you don’t need quests anymore.
There’s a special perk called “Mental Block” that is used only in one encounter against the Master.
I’m glad I now properly played Fallout. Despite game crashing on me occasionally. It speaks a lot that a 25 years old game is still playable. But I feel like there’s just one way to play this game: get Plasma Rifle, burn everything. Any other path just takes more time.

PC Gaming

Fallout (1997)

Killed Mother Deathclaw by trapping her between three of my companions. The game was noconcept of aggro.

Gave Ian the unique “Blade runner” pistol from freeing the ranch. He’s a beast with it, if only the AI wasn’t so dumb as to switch to knife every time he needs to reload.
Boneyard is a story about town mayor hiring you to avenge his son, supposedly killed by a gang, only to discover it’s his bodyguards who killed him. The battle between bodyguards and the gang is quite epic by ’97 standards, but it has one major issue: Regulators also try to kill some key NPCs, so you’re in a rush against time and luck yo save them.
I always assumed that Necropolis and The Glow where the same place. Turns out The Glow is a dungeon full of robots Brotherhood of Steel sends you to in order to get accepted. I didn’t remember any of it.
You can actually get two suits of power armour. One as a possible reward for rescuing the initiate held hostage in Hub, and another if you manage to get needed parts and repair it. Also, they make a lot of fuss about the laser pistols, despite the fact that by that time you should have much more powerful options.

PC Gaming

Fallout (1997)

Barter skill seems to be outright broken. I thought it should bring better prices. It doesn’t.
Lockpicks skill doesn’t seem to be useful at all, as I managed to lockpick all doors until now without leveling it up once, just by trying and trying.


Now, I view this game as sort of a puzzle: mostly trying to figure out the correct order to tackle the quests. Dekker fight seemed difficult at first, as it’s a small room, and most enemies attack the main character. But it’s easier, if you get the combat shotgun first from the guys that hold someone from Brotherhood of Steel hostage. And this becomes doable once you beat the raiders. And this becomes doable once you finish Necropolis.


I remember that as I kid I always feared the encounter with Deathclaw in the caves.


But I either got lucky, or it’s not as bad as I remembered. The poor beast went down on the first try, with the help of Combat Shotgun.

PC Gaming

Fallout (1997)

Finding the Water Chip is not as hard as I remember, even without a guide. Once you get to the Hub, you’re basically being told that it’s in Necropolis. And also you can send a water caravan to Vault 13 from there, if 150 days are not enough. I made it at meager level 5. But just taking the chip is evil, since then ghouls don’t have any water. A better solution is to repair their water pump, and they even point out where you should look for the parts.
And there are two problems with that, considering how old the game is. First, the repair part is tiny, and you need to pixelhunt for it. And second, it’s not called “water pump part” or anything, but simply “junk”. I decided to bring it back only because I ran out of other ideas.
Also, I was wondering how the game explains the transition between the first half, where you look for the Water Chip, and the second, where you hunt the mutants. Turns out, not very elegantly. You meet the mutants in Necropolis (they can even capture you and bring you to their leader, which at this point not very helpful). And once you tell Overseer about that, you’re tasked to eradicate them.

Something like:
– Hey, I’ve seen some Nazis on the street, mom.
– From this day on your task is to assassinate Hitler!

PC Gaming

Fallout (1997)

No Mutants Allowed is still alive. Wow. Long time.
The GOG version doesn’t have children. While not a big deal by itself, returning them takes a bit more than the usual patch, because this version uses DAT files. Had to repack it myself, but it worked in the end.
There’s a patch pack called Fixt, but it’s incompatible with 1.2 saves, and I don’t have the motivation to start over.

PC Gaming

Fallout (1997)

I played and even finished Fallout as a kid, but…
It was a ripped version, so I didn’t know there were talking heads and even movies in the game until much later. And I didn’t know English that well at the time, so I played with a walkthrough most of the time.
Playing it now, it’s not a complete blank slate, of course. I still remember that Speech and Stealing skills are surprisingly useful, while most others are complete thrash, for example. And it’s lucky that I remember some of the quests, because there’s very little indication of them at all. For example, if I didn’t remember that Tandy from Shady Sands gets kidnapped at some point by raiders, I wouldn’t know this quests exists at all, because you don’t have a good reason to revisit Shady Sands, and even if you do, you specifically need to talk to her father for that.
I plan the game differently now too. As a kid, I would literally hunt every rat and scorpion to maximize EXP. Now, I just fight only if I really need to. Although I must say, the EXP you get from fighting is quite good, so maybe I wasn’t that stupid as a kid.

PC Gaming

Call of Duty Vanguard multiplayer

I already wrote about this at least once, but Call of Duty Vanguard take on weapon mods follows Call of Duty Cold War, but in the context of World War 2 it’s even more hilarious.

I did learn a couple of historical facts, though. For example, reflex sights were invented back in 1900. I thought it’s a rather modern invention, because the US army didn’t adopt them until 2000s.
Most people play the Blueprint Gun Game. It’s a deathmatch, but every time you land a kill, you get a new random gun. It’s a fun one, although due to the cosmetics, sometimes it’s hard to understand what you’ve got: is it a machine gun or a sniper rifle?


PC Gaming

Call of Duty Vanguard

Completed Call of Duty Vanguard.
And… we’re back to Stalingrad. And now there are sniper duels. Can’t escape this, I guess. There’s an episode similar to Modern Warfare 2020, when you have to sneak around and stab a boss multiple times before he dies. And also there are hard-to-kill machine wielding brutes that came out of Wolfenstein.

Then we’re in Lybia. There are a few fun guns there: ITRA Burst, NZ-41. Nothing ground-breaking, but again, a nice set of missions. Oh, and you get to play with the Warmachine, but only for a few minutes.

Then there’s the Berlin ’45 episode. I mentioned that I like when Call of Duty games switch characters. But that’s the first time they do it mid-mission, and it’s great, actually.

I won’t lament about the game being “too short”. It’s just long enough for me. What I do like is that unlike Call of Duty Cold War it’s a complete story: you don’t need to play 4 more seasons of multiplayer or buy some comics to see it through.

PC Gaming

Call of Duty Vanguard

Of course there’s Stalingrad. But I’m not complaining. I like the storytelling approach where we switch between characters, instead of having a single character that is a Mary Sue. Stalingrad is alright, no sniper battles at least.


Then there’s Midway. I don’t know why Call of Duty insist on putting planes in those games. It’s not annoying, but also not very fun.


Then we’re in jungles of Papua New Guinea. Wade for some reason has a “slomo”+”see through walls” focus ability, something other characters lack. Since we’re fighting against Japanese, there’s plenty of exotic weapons, like Type 100 SMG and Type 11 LMG, that requires you to aim with your left eye 😬


PC Gaming

Reacher S01

Finished first season of Reacher.

It’s nice, if you look at it as another version of Punisher. Not the TV series, I didn’t actually like those. But Punisher as a concept. It’s a story about a huge guy that refuses to die, and solves every injustice by killing everyone who’s unjust.

I couldn’t care less about the childhood memories. Everything else was fine, though. The dialogues are punchy, and the fighting scenes don’t make you cringe.

PC Gaming

Call of Duty Vanguard

With the mounting mechanic, the game feels like Battlefield, may it rest in peace. But I’m not complaining, this makes the campaign far less chaotic. Interesting that you can also mount corners.
The entire game feels like a tribute to Inglorious Bastards, so it’s no wonder that the Nazi villain cosplaying Landa.

From 1945, we jump to 1944, D-Day, but at least not Omaha Beach this time. A paradrop instead. Just a cutscene, really, nothing fancy. We then have a brief stealth episode. Stealth never worked in Call of Duty, because they never bothered with visibility or sound markers or queues. But we’re taught that you can shoot through wooden floors.

The violence is a surprise. A mean, it’s a 2000s level of violence, with heads and arms blown off. I got used to dolls without even bullet holes in them.


PC Gaming

Excavation of Hob’s Barrow

Completed Excavation of Hob’s Barrow.
What a beautiful game.
I like how modern point’n’click adventures respect your time. I suck at those games, I really do. But with this game, I didn’t need a walkthrough once. I didn’t even get stuck for more than 10 minutes. Even at the barrow, when you have to do some password picking, there are plenty of clues, and the password is pretty much written down in front of you.
It is indeed very lovecraftian. It doesn’t try to scare you, though, not directly. There are no “screamers”, and nobody actually dies, imagine that!
An archeologist is invited to excavate a barrow. She discovers that her father, who fell into a coma 25 years ago, is the one that excavated it previously. She’s then told that if she removed the seal that he placed, he will come back to his senses.
But it’s all an elaborate lie, of course. Some of the villagers are interested in releasing the ancient god that was sealed in the barrow, and it seeks revenge. Beautiful story, brilliantly voiced by some great actors.

PC Gaming

Excavation of Hob’s Barrow

A Lovecraftian point’n’click adventure, similar to Shadow of the Comet. Feels a bit like the Last Door too.

Thomasina, an expert on barrows, is invited to a remote village in the UK to inspect a strange barrow.
Uncharacteristically, there’s is a kind of “Mass Effect dialog system”, where you often have to choose if you want to be pleasant, rude, or to deflect a question or an ask.

You can see this isn’t ScummVM when the character moves to the background. The pixels are too dense, and also the shadows are too modern.

Emulation PC Gaming

Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty

I always thought that New ‘n’ Tasty is just a remaster of Oddworld: Abe’s Odyssey. Turns out it’s a complete remake. I never played Abe’s Odyssey, so I gave it a try as well.


And I think I prefer the remake better.


The game itself is a puzzle-platformer, akin to Another World, featuring mostly defenceless or at least not very heavily armed hero that needs to sneak past or cleverly incapacitate his enemies.
At later stages he also gets the ability to possess enemies, ride a local version of Yoshi and there are also some weird “puzzles” where you need to repeat a sequence of notes after other Mudakons.


One notable feature that the remake didn’t need, though, are particles flying into the camera:

It’s ingenius.

PC Gaming PSX Sony

Need for Speed High Stakes

I fondly remember Need for Speed 4 from my childhood. I had a friend who was really good at this game, unlocked all the cars, while I always was terrible at racing games, so I didn’t even manage to complete the first tournament race.
So, I decided to revisit it. And it is still brutal. You need to pay entrance fee for most tournaments. You car gets damaged and needs repairs. To compete in eponymous “High Stakes” race, where you stake your car against opponents, you need an extra car.
At first I thought that upgrades, tucked away in one of the menus, will help. But it’s quite pointless, since opponent cars are upgraded as well.
Some of the tracks are extrucicating. With 8 laps, they take 15 minutes of real time. And this is before modern racing features such as time rewind and guidelines.

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PC Gaming

“BlazBlue – Fighting Game Retrospective”, Thorgi’s Arcade

Arc Systems lost rights to most of the original Guilty Gear characters during the Sammy/Sega merger
So they decided to create a new series, with a new set of characters. The authors of Guilty Gear and BlazBlue are not the same, although they’re good friends and both worked for Arc Systems.
Guilty Gear was becoming more and more complicated, so BlazBlue was also supposed to be simpler.
Toshimichi Mori wanted to make JRPGs, not fighting games. That explains the sprawling storyline of BlazBlue

PC Gaming

Fuga: Melodies of Steel

Slightly melancholic JRPG about Nazi dogs kidnapping a French cats village, and six children from that village commandeering a tank and trying to save their families. Of course Valkyria Chronicles comes to mind here.
It plays as a linear set of battles, with some visual novel breaks in between, where you pick which characters to bond, similar to later Fire Emblem games. Bonded characters get special attacks when they are put together in the same turret.
The fights are turn-based with priority. You try to exploit enemy weaknesses to one of three types of ordnance to push them down in priority, ideally destroying some of them before they manage to attack you.
If your crew dies, you just have to repeat a few battles. It is explained as time-travel in the story, though.